Cockroaches multiply quickly
Let Tactical Pest and Termite Solutions remove them from your business property
The average female cockroach matures within weeks after birth and lays over 100 eggs. German cockroaches carry their eggs until they hatch, increasing their chances for survival. And the German species is more prodigious, with one female cockroach carrying up to 35,000 offspring.
They are known to carry at least 30 different types of bacteria. According to WHO, the potential diseases include typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery and diarrhea. They can even carry viruses, such as the polio virus, as well as increase the symptoms of allergies and asthma.
If your office or business property has food waste or piles of paper, beware. Cockroaches require less than you realize for sustenance. They can become an insidious opponent that is challenging to eradicate.
Our exterminators can help drive these tenacious pests out of your motel, school, café or spa. Contact us today and let Tactical Pest and Termite Solutions put an end to your cockroach issues.